Archive for the ‘Contributors’ Category

Douglas Allen: Sidewalk (site unspecific)

Sunday, August 16th, 2009

Sort attitude and let us disappear for the time being asks what type of crisp or light- weight is presented in this catch-all strainer so many possibilities in the realm of expansion there is an inability to not record the transformational center institutes unlabeled sex traits as leading the point of focus is to concentrate (would you like soft or frenetic today) on the lack of transitions as mind a streaming seamless temple and body with much adornment and sound or solely time and space for the blank stems toss time for the setting fire in the snow

Postulate:  Douglas Allen is working on heat levels that make ice melt effortlessly.

Edited by Eseohe Arhebamen

Nigerian Schools Dance: Patrick Amanama’s photojournal continued

Sunday, August 16th, 2009

“Nigerian Schools Round Up for Holiday”

continued photographs and text by Patrick Amanama

A lot of cultural display by the schools, each representing a particular tribe/region in the country. enjoy…..patrick


Nigeria Schools’ Holiday Showcase: Fulani Dance Drama by Patrick Amanama

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

“Nigerian Schools Round Up for Holiday”

Photographs and Text by Patrick Amanama

Education, they say it’s wealth and children are the future, the leaders of tomorrow. Presently in Nigeria today, schools are rounding up for the Holiday. Photography being my life, I went round to capture some of the schools on how they were rounding up the session with parties and fun activities. I visited 3 schools. An Islamic school inclusive-


Photoblogger Patrick Amanama: Love in Lagos

Sunday, July 19th, 2009

“Love in Lagos”

Photographs and Text by Patrick Amanama


Lagos means different thing to different people, to some, its a place to make money, a place where we spend most of our creative time in traffic, a place where even the unemployed or homeless are guaranteed a place to lay their head or a three-square meal as long as they put pride aside and beg and to a whole lot of people, Lagos is a place to love…

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i n f o @ e d o h e a r t . o r g