Posts Tagged ‘dance’

Give us artists some health insurance!

Sunday, March 22nd, 2009

In my floor acrobatics class on Friday, a classmate of mine was suddenly injured while practicing a front-handspring. She landed improperly and twisted her knee. A row of students away, I heard her scream, “[Expletive]” over and over as she rolled on the ground in agony. All activity in the gymnasium came to a halt. Precocious child-gymnasts prepping for the Olympics swiveled their heads. (more…)

Fire Butoh 1 Artist’s Statement

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

This performance seeks to resolve the following questions:

Fire Butoh 3 Artist’s Statement and Press

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

Daum logomncast logombc logo

In this work, I am possessed by the spirits of Fire in a dance of internal transformation. (more…)

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