Posts Tagged ‘forward motion theater’

The Cement Factory- Viewing

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

The Cement Factory : Premiere & Studio Session at Forward Motion Theater, January 14, 8PM. THE CEMENT FACTORY is a new dance-on-video work created by Eseohe Arhebamen and FMT.

Eseohe at the Korea Experimental Arts Festival

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009
korean experimental arts festival
The purpose of Korea Experimental Arts Festival is to build a communication between audiences and experimental arts. This festival happens every year since 2002 under the art director of Kim Baek Ki who is a performance artist and chief of KoPAS. (more…)

The Cement Factory Premiere

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

The Cement Factory is a new dance-on-film work I have created in collaboration with Forward Motion Theater that features some of my drawings, original choreography and a sound collaboration I did with composer Eric Shieh in October.

i n f o @ e d o h e a r t . o r g