Posts Tagged ‘fourth of july party’

Love The Empress♥Edoheart + Pikacyu(Afrirampo) + Bun666 & The Devil’s Discipline feat. Keiko Okumura + Roberto Salgado Santana + DJ Sandnorm +++♥ @ bar bonobo 7/4 Tokyo

Thursday, June 17th, 2010

bar bonobo
7/4 (日) Start 7pm − Last train
2,000円w.1 drink

EDOHEART♡ “Love The Empress” Tour from NY ( African Butoh Dancer+Vocalist )
PIKACYU☆ ( Drums,Vocalist / あふりらんぽ )
BUN666 & THE DEVIL’S DISCIPLINE ( 元ミライのギターリスト、西堀Bun666文啓のミニマル・ジャズ・ユニット )
KEIKO OKUMURA ( Conga,percussion / Ex.Papa Wemba Viva La Musica )
ROBERTO SALGADO SANTANA ( Conga,percussion from Cuba )
成浩一 ( Bass / Ex.のいづんずり )
衣川隆司 ( Drums)
かの順治 ( Guitar / Ex. HMS from Ashikaga )

DJ Sandnorm

i n f o @ e d o h e a r t . o r g