Posts Tagged ‘radiation’


Saturday, March 19th, 2011

Dear Friends,

I’ve been touched by the outpouring of support I’ve witnessed in the aftermath of Japan’s unprecedented triple earthquake-tsunami-nuclear explosion horror.

AT&T, Verizon and Sprint are offering free phone service to those calling Japan until March 31st.

Artists like Mariette Papic have organized care packages for the Japanese.

I have many good friends, teachers and family in Japan. Other than desperate telephone calls and the little bit of cash that I have, I’ve wondered what else I can contribute.

I’m writing you all to offer my home in Brooklyn, New York to any displaced Japanese who need a warm bed and a clean home to stay in. We have two rooms with internet and wi-fi in which you can stay in until things are settled.

To contact me, please e-mail or

Please pass this message on or translate into Japanese if you can.

With great love,

i n f o @ e d o h e a r t . o r g