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  • In Sensorium: The Fetish Manifests April 24th Tuesday 8-10pm at Teatro La Tea, NYC

    April 10th, 2012EdoheartPerformance

    a new interactive butoh-vocal theatre installation

    TUESDAY, APRIL 24th, 8-10PM
    Teatro La Tea, 2nd Floor
    at the Clemente Soto Vélez Cultural and Educational Center
    107 Suffolk Street
    between Rivington and Delancey Streets
    New York, NY 10002


    I have created mask art-objects inspired by the beautiful makeup styles of the Surma and Mursi tribes of East Africa’s Omo Valley (Ethiopia, Kenya and Sudan).

    In this live installation event, the spirits of these fetish objects will be brought to life in a collaborative performance that will also become a video artwork about the adventures of these mask art-objects.

    You can register to attend this event as either an “Art-Collector” or an “Art-Lover”.

    “Art-Lovers” are general audience members and can participate in this event en masse, in a dance scene that takes place on-stage. Tickets are $10 and are available at http://insensorium.eventbrite.com/. There, you may additionally purchase a line that you can say on camera.


    “Art-Collectors” will be trained in performing the art-object’s role and will be filmed performing the art-object at the installation event. Costumes will be provided. There are 3 art-object roles available. These tickets are $30 and can be purchased at https://edoheart.org/in-sensorium. Training and rehearsal will take place the Sunday before the event in a 5-hour workshop that also serves as an introduction to my butoh-vocal theatre style. I am considered a notable butoh performer and teacher and I am the first performer to integrate experimental vocalizations, singing and talking simultaneously with butoh dance. I have created the mask art-objects you will be wearing after the beautiful makeup styles of the Surma and Mursi tribes of East Africa’s Omo Valley (Ethiopia, Kenya and Sudan). You will be learning a spiritual choreography.

    n. pl. sen·so·ri·ums or sen·so·ri·a (-sôr-, -sr-)
    1. The part of the brain that receives and coordinates all the stimuli conveyed to various sensory centers.
    2. The entire sensory system of the body.


    Edoheart, a minor princess of the Ugu Kingdom, is walking through the forest one day when she is swallowed up by an ebony tree. She finds herself in a magical land called Iso (meaning heaven) in which everyone moves and behaves strangely. She meets a princess (Itohan) and her maid (Obo) who tell her of their plight- the princess’ evil brother (Tan) has trapped her good brother (Uyi) in a prison of binary oppositions. It’s a prison from which no one has ever escaped! Edoheart resolves to help them but on their way to the palace, they become trapped in a goddess’ lake of possessed bodies. 

    Available roles: 
    Tan – the evil prince and Itohan’s uncle
    Itohan – the princess 
    Obo – a professor / scientist and Itohan’s guardian

    Played by the general audience: 
    Imayayi – the lake goddess of possessed bodies


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