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  • January: poetry by Nwilo Bura-Bari Vincent

    January 7th, 2010EdoheartContributors


    Lone pacer –the vertical leader
    With eleven followers – dust calm
    Boots from December dusted
    Whirlwind of celebrations calm and quiet
    Day one in one stroked cage
    Better spelt and wide but concise – January

    Alibi flame’s flick flake fake rims of dreams
    Hope is born and horned to nations of the world
    January – mother to resolutions unbidden
    Carryover of yester year’s plans and pains
    Job uproar and tender pay packets ranched
    Merriments subsides – upsides the devotion

    Painting green on green-grass and green flags
    Tender hearts hopes for a pope’s sprinkle
    Hallelujah! – Bad luck aborted – new luck conceived
    January, the plenary house of venial creatures

    Nwilo Bura-Bari V (Nwilo Bura-Bari Vincent) is a poet. His literary magazine, Words Not Swords, calls for entries. One poem per entrant and a short story of about 3,000 words. 2,500 max of non fiction – essays and reviews – mail with a brief data about you to wordsnotswords@yahoo.com

    Find Words Not Swords on Facebook here.

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