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  • Presenting Fire Butoh 4!


    Dear friends,

    It’s been a long time since I updated this blog. Thanks to you all who are following! Things have been wild and surprising since my last post.

    I was accepted to NYU – Tisch’s Performance Studies Master’s program and have been reading all sorts of beautiful, inspiring and complicated theories about the ways we humans perform ourselves and our identities and how we structure society and experience…

    I made a trip to Nigeria in which I narrowly missed being in Abuja on the same day of a bombing that claimed many lives.

    I’ve also gotten into a television series that will premiere on channel 25 here in NYC but that’s another story for another time.

    Before I began my studies at NYU, I collaborated with some friends on a new and I think, final, installment in my Fire Butoh Series that began in 2007.

    I have been very emotionally affected by fire all my life. The basement of of our first house in America caught on fire once… and I’m a fire sign. Fire keeps us warm, lights our way in the dark, cooks our food and dances. I hoped to be that magical and have given much consideration to this living organism, fire.

    Without further ado, I present to you, “Fire Butoh 4!”

    Thanks to Mikhail Torich, Teddy Bonsu, Kristen Bacino and Bryant Keller for all their help on this shoot! Lots of love!! -E.

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