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  • Diverse Universe to Czentrifuga

    May 2nd, 2009EdoheartPerformance, The Life

    Some images from my travels so far…


    boat in helsinki

    boat in helsinki


    cold night, hot chocolate in tallinn

    cold night, hot chocolate in tallinn


    african sculpture in tallinn. i was told this might be 500 years old.

    african sculpture in tallinn. i was told this might be 500 years old.



    detail of african sculpture: head

    detail of african sculpture: head


    Al Paldrok on Kirjanduslikud kolmapäevad

    Al Paldrok on my Kirjanduslikud kolmapäevad


    a big red van


    view from a balcony in tartu

    view from my hostel balcony in tartu


    around the open shop at naunyn str.

    around the open shop at naunyn str.


    beer and grapes upon our arrival in berlin. pictured: rubens girls, open space guys and uen jin.

    beer and grapes upon our arrival in berlin. pictured: rubens girls: billeneeve+piret tombak, open space guys and uen jin.



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